Hey all,
Looking for information on plate carriers, armor plates and so forth (if this is the wrong forum, apologies!)

First off, let me put this out there. I am NOT dependent on these for duty use - I am not LEO, Military, etc. Rather just a dude that that is curious, and looking at getting a set because frankly... with the bill before the legislature possibly banning private citizens from owning them, I want to piss them off and buy a set. I've thought about it for awhile and finally made the choice o do it. Now, will the bill pass? Who knows - that's a who 'nother discussion in a whole ' nother thread. Also, I am NOT a 'Zombie Apocalypse' guy, or someone who thinks the world will collapse at any moment. But, I am someone who believes in natural disasters and human nature. Just look at Katrina, Sandy and Ferguson! As a 23+ year career firefighter, I learned a LONG time ago to never say never. I will never be surprised at what a human is capable of doing. I have the food and water stored to survive a disaster here until relief comes, but who knows what others have and when they see my house warm and toasty with 3 squares a day... well, better prepared is a good motto.

ANYWAYS... as someone who will not use it daily, is something like a ceramic level IV setup really needed? I know the argument about buy once, cry once. But in all honesty, they will not be used daily, they will not be used weekly - I'll pull them out occasionally for range day training, and stuff like that. Of course if the future Ferguson goes nationwide, then all bets are off.

But I'd be concerned about ceramic getting damaged if they get moved around the room. But then.. is steel really the answer? I guess I don't know enough about the varying levels of quality, rating and use. I'm learning, but I know a lot here are far, FAR more knowledgeable than I could ever hope to be. So school me! Weight is lower on the worry scale... I daily put on 30# of gear just to go to the grocery store on my truck, and 2-3 times a week I put on the full 60# of gear for actual work. But I'm sure it's a happy mix of weight, comfort and mostly quality.

But with the limited info given () what would someone be happy with? minimalistic carrier? full blown size? Steel? 1/4"? 1/2"? ceramic? steel? Level III? Level IV?? I'm not opposed to quality and cost - I like my Tactical Tailor chest rig and pouches very much. Or is something like a cheapo Condor more than enough for the possibly SHTF use? Of course is there are 'secret' places to get higher end, lvl IV ceramic gear for not much more than steel, I'm all ears

But this is an area I know nothing about so I'm turning to the experts... but please, don't turn it into a 'you're nuts', 'you don't need one', 'the bill is dead', yada yada. I'm asking for info on the subject of carriers and plates. Thanks! (can you tell I'm tired of the attitude on other boards?!?)