Thanks for the info, Jerry. Still not feeling compelled to replace my 9 mm in the compact size range. Got any observations that makes the .45 stand out as the superior of the two? I'm one of those guys who sees value in smaller caliber for cc, simply because in a charged situation your adrenaline tells you to pull the trigger now and aim later; as with a rapidly closing assailant/knife/< 20' and closing scenario. A friend was assaulted while sitting in his vehicle. He was armed wtih a .45 ACP 1911 and fired 7 shots. None of them hit the assailant. Drills are great, but there's no way to simulate that "Oh f@ck, I'm gonna die right now!" adrenaline rush other than to be in that situation. That indicent has me mostly carrying a full size 9mm pistol when I can, and my shield only when I have to. I'd never owned a compact before the shield, and its great at what its made for, which to me is getting me to carry something as often as I can, but I've also had some recent bad experiences with 9mm vs. White Oak target frames, ie: the round hit the brace and bounced off! So now, I'm not sure which round is better, I'm doing good to hand onto the better than nothing mindset.

Anyway, sorry to hijack your thread; it just seems the debate is no more clear cut than when .40 hit the scene and then handed the crown back to 9 mil. Just interested in hearing your thoughts.