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  1. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2023
    The ones doing the hating generally come from one of three groups:

    1. Their vast 1911 experiences comes from handling one but never owning or shooting a friend's gun.

    2. They run mouths more than guns.

    3. People who fall under the above who like to troll, claiming it's the internet as their excuse to be assholes. That's their excuse to do it, not a legitimate excuse.

    I've seen and read enough to learn that often enough it's those who've actually owned one to be the root cause of the these jams that I have yet to ever experience. I'll read on a reloading sub forum about clown shoes making mouse fart 45's and then read days later from the same clown shoes about how all his 1911's are jammers. Huh, feeding ammo that the gun wasn't designed for to run with and yet it's the gun and not the user or the user's ammo? Okay cheaper the keeper from boomerville.

    Or they'll use the slowest moving factory ammo that everyone knows is garbage. but because it's cheap they'll shoot with it and then blame the gun once again and not the user who should have known better. Okay scooter.

    Then we have clowns who think carbon is lube or that a modern designed gun doesn't need to be cleaned as much or often. Okay derpy-do.

    AND, we have bogans who will buy the cheapest ones with shoddy manufacturing, and then claims because their cheapest crap did a cheap crap expectancy, declares all of the same design to be choads. Okay herpy-do, derpy-do's inbred cousin.

    I've personally seen a dry dirty Glock 45 and a slick as a bone dirtied P10F have cycling issues. I've had my G17 not cycle because I had made a mistake during the reloading process for a batch of 124's. Sometimes they do cycle but not by much and are basically mouse farts; who would have thunk that even modern guns don't run on sub standard ammo too!!??

    Yes they are heavy but a well equipped modern polymer is going to be weighing the same or more. Plus it doesn't help that they're using walmart or target purchased belts to EDC along with their uncle mike's holsters also from wally world. And yes, their standard capacity is low to some who over analyze everything and project and fear monger their own fears into others about this topic, and more often leave their houses everyday without a spare mag (another user error and not the design's fAuLt). No matter what the capacity of something is, I would never EVER leave my house without a spare mag. Imagine having a type three malfunction and no spare mag to insert, meanwhile doing all of this while under life or death stress??? lol, NO. Just NO.

    I honestly DGAF why someone doesn't like it, but none of the above excuses are NOT legitimate when they themselves are the contributing factor of why their decisions make something sUcK. Just say that the 1911 isn't for you. I say Xd's are not for me and no juvenile quips about gRiP zOnE is necessary either to express myself. So say that the 1911 isn't for you. I'd have more respect for this person because they have integrity about it.

    Any way, I hope your Kimber reborn again, runs great. Give us a range report please when you can find the time to do so.
    Last edited by TheRifleman; 7 September 2023 at 07:10.

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