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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    N. KY
    Quote Originally Posted by MoxyDave View Post
    ..... My friends who live in urban centers, who have zero experience with or understanding of firearms all have a hard time comprehending why one might need or want an AR-15. My hope is that we can explain to these folks that violence happens in the real world and you can't legislate crazy out of existence. I have a lot more to say on the issue but I'll save that to try and convince my friends to write their representatives instead.
    MD, I've pondered this a lot. I know that there are many people who support the 2A and don't own a firearm. Some are afraid of them, some just don't want one, etc..So while they support the 2A, they are being bombarded by marxist media propoganda, and they too wonder why a person needs a 30 round magazine. They really, due to their lack of interest in owning a firearm, just don't realize that with a couple of day's practice, a determined psychopath can load 10 rd. mags nearly and get off just about as many rounds as they can with a 30 round magazine.

    And while they did support the 2A, they see 20 dead children, and the leftist media propaganda machine making political hay out of it, and start having second thoughts on firearm ownership. And, I don't doubt for one second that that Obama's butt monkey's are going to take advantage of that to the maximum benefit (to them) possible.


  2. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    South Carolina
    FT - To your point on mags: A couple that my GF has known for a long time, have made a few 'uninformed' comments about 30rd mags over the last week or so.

    I haven't known them for long, and I don't really jive with their personalities. So I've tried to walk a fine line, be respectful and not say too much. I know the guy owns a .38 S&W, but they're not gun people.

    This evening they stopped by. The gal made another "nobody needs those big magazines" comment. I have no idea how the conversation began, but her comment was made as I came in from the other room. I calmly asked "Would you like me to show you how quickly mags can be changed?" She responded with "You mean you have an assault rifle?!". I just repeated my question. They wanted to see it, so I showed them. Not fast, just smooth. Her response was: "Are you kidding me?" His response was: "Really. That's it?" Later, when the gals were talking about something else, he said "I guess we sounded like dumb asses". I just told him "Lots of people make bad assumptions".

    I didn't get all "constitutional" with them. I had a long day at work and just didn't want them in my house that long.

    One small victory.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Rodman24 View Post
    I didn't get all "constitutional" with them. I had a long day at work and just didn't want them in my house that long.

    One small victory.
    Bravo Rodman. Educating those ignorant with firearms is super important, and it's great that you did it without attacking their beliefs.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Rodman24 I wish there was a "like" button I could push on your post. Calm steady education...perfect.

    If you are offended by anything in this post, blame it on auto-correct & TapaTalk.
    Last edited by InstaGator; 17 January 2013 at 13:04.

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