Quote Originally Posted by AaronP220 View Post
I'm sort of a new guy here and don't really know anyone from Adam so to speak. I know it's a gun place but it's always cool to see what other people do for fun. Me, I have a few hobbies. Some I'm better at that the others.

For about 5 years I've enjoyed road racing sport bikes. I got out of that recently to buy a house and please the wife, but knowing me I'll be back in it before too long.

I'm learning like crazy to take photos, though I've still got a LONG way to go. What looks good to me tends to not look good to others but I try.

I also collect...err...attempt to collect watches. I fancy Omega but the wife usually stops me in my tracks when I show the price tag. Right now I've only got two watches and this is the latest purchase.

I also like to build and tinker with cars. I used to have a '74 Corvette that was pretty sweet. Big block 468 built pretty well. Wife decided that had to go so I could go bike racing.

What are you guys in to?
Eh, who cares what others think of your photos. If you're having fun, and you pull some pics out that you like, then it was well worth it. Even professionals take dozens and dozens of pictures to find the few in the bunch that they/customers like. As for the watches, thats too many gun and truck parts still on the shelf for my tastes, lol. I do the picture thing too when it suits me, by no means professional, but have grabbed some shots that turned out well. Other than that, fishing, hunting, shooting....