Alamo, I know you've found your solution for now, so this isn't meant to "answer" your question, just additional discussion...

When I was stationed in CA and had to configure some lowers to be compliant, I started to learn how to work the safety with my strong side middle finger on an ambi safety. It was weird at first, but then it became normal. When I moved back to FL, I started putting ambi safeties on all my lowers (run 'n gun and precision...precision for different reasons) and when shooting, I kept the middle finger technique. As a result, I'm much "faster" (however that's defined) with an ambi than having to reach for the normal safety with my strong side thumb.

For me, having a full-sized MILSPEC-type safety lever hitting my strong side hand wasn't an issue, but I can understand why it can be for those with fuller hands. To me, it seems like the KAC reduced or short throw strong side lever is a decent option. Unfortunately it still relies on an antiquated attachment method (screw into barrel). That said, while I only have a couple of KAC safeties, none of them have broken, but one of my BAD safeties has.

Anywho, it's an interesting discussion, as both ergonomics and basic fit can do a lot for productivity, or hinder it, in any discipline.