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  1. #46
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Solid choice Gearhead

    I’ll weigh in on why the DW over his other choices from my point of view

    I’ve had about every brand 1911 except the over priced bears and such, including many springers and rusty rugers , and Cracker Barrel box kimbers

    - No mim parts
    - either machined DW billet or stainless parts or fitted Ed brown parts
    - semi custom/well as close to you can get for the money
    - they only make small number of batches per year
    - my older DW is a November built gun and less then 400 of them built that year /as their serial number is their build count
    -Better trigger then any other out of the box 1911
    - No stupid nomar/bomar or whatever sights like the springers
    - no ghey uncomfortable ambi safety
    - nice checkering and nice tight fit

    It’s the only choice in the 1-1500 price range in my humble opinion

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Seattle, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by mustangfreek View Post
    Solid choice Gearhead

    I’ll weigh in on why the DW over his other choices from my point of view


    It’s the only choice in the 1-1500 price range in my humble opinion
    And DW has 22 choices listed on their website, so I'm a little curious on what drew him to that particular model. Looks like it was designed with LEO requirements in mind, so that's interesting. Looks like the TCP is the only other real railed choice from DW.

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Broadway, VA
    Quote Originally Posted by BoilerUp View Post
    Purdy pistola, gearhead. So, of the myriad choices available, what drew you to this one?
    So, my particulars were these, in no certain order:

    1) blued or black. Didn’t want shiny stainless.
    2) railed, due to being a beside-the-bed gun, so I can add a light to it
    3) no Kimbers. Haha.
    4) gov’t profile

    So. At first, the typical Springfields were in order. Had to pick and choose from those. Colors. Look. Full railed or typical under-barrel pic rail. Etc etc. The Tac Ops was on the list then as well. Went back and forth between threaded or non-threaded barrel. So. I did some looking around. Some research. Seeing what all was available at all. Then, I found out about the S&W TA E-series. I completely fell in love with it. The wood grips on black. The scallop serrations. It is, in my opinion, one of the prettiest 1911’s I’ve ever seen. But. Come to find out. They discontinued production of the black one. Stainless only. So. I tried GunBroker. Local stores. Nothing. Well. That’s when I started reading more about DW pistols. No bad reviews. No bad words of them. Didn’t want an alloy frame either for a .45. One gun store about 2hrs away actually had one, and I wanted to look at it, but after 10min, nobody had helped me, so, I walked out. Then, I found the Tac Ops came with 4 mags from Sig. GREAT. Started looking for one again. Found a couple on GB. But only with one mag for some reason, and outrageously priced. Then. Found a used one, saying it had never been fired. With 4 mags. And 300rds of ammo. I sent the seller a message. Never heard back. There was ONE gov’t Specialist on there, with all the others either being 9mm, 10mm, or commander profile. So, after reading comments earlier in this thread and in UWone’s 1911 thread, I said to hell with it, and bought this one sight unseen, minus the pictures on the auction (bought it now due to being a new gun). And now, here we are. Haha.

    To everyone who complimented it, thank you!! I’m so in love with this thing. Lol.

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