Quote Originally Posted by alamo5000 View Post
I have no idea what the F number is... but if it's bad enough to shear off a 15 foot around pine tree then I don't want any more.

I don't think we really need to mess around with insurance on this one. Just buy some gas and fire up the chainsaws.
The F numbers designate the wind speeds in the tornado like Force numbers designate the strength of wind or Category numbers the strength of hurricanes. The higher the F number, the more dangerous the tornado is. To snap and uproot trees like that it would have had to be probably a F2 tornado. You're lucky, because it would have flattened the house if it hit it. I'd fire up the chainsaws and cut the trees up for firewood too. However, if they are your trees, I'd probably get in touch with the insurance co. so they could cover sending a crew out with large chainsaws to cut up the trunks. With all that wood, if you don't have a splitter, you're going to want to get one.