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Thread: Weapon / Forum Related Acronyms
24 March 2009, 15:29 #1
Weapon / Forum Related Acronyms
With Military and Law Enforcement careers, acronyms are a part of life. Many times we use an acronym and have no clue what it actually means, but rather the acronym just becomes what the item's name is. Below is a list of acronyms that I have compiled. This is by no means an all inclusive list, but rather a work in progress. Please feel free to add comments for acronyms that you would like to have added in the list and I will put them in the master list. The list is meant to be informational. Most of us know what FUBAR, BOHICA, SNAFU, etc, mean. I would rather not include them within this list.
*Links are now included for some acronyms.
2A 2nd Amendment [Link]
AAC Advanced Armament Corporation [Link]
AAR After Action Report
ACOG Advanced Combat Optical Gun sight [Link]
ACP Automatic Colt Pistol
ACR Advanced Combat Rifle
AD Accidental Discharge
AD Active Duty
AECA Arms Export Control Act
AF Air Force
AK Avtomat Kalashnikova
ALG Amy L. Geissele (as in ALG Defense) [Link]
AOW Any Other Weapon
AP Armor Piercing
AR Assault Rifle
AR Army Reserve
A.R.M.S. Atlantic Research Marketing Systems [Link]
ASA American Spirit Arms [Link]
ASAP Ambidextrous Sling Attachment Point (MagPul) [Link]
ASAR Abrams Small Arms Research
ATF Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (US DOJ)
ATI American Tactical Imports [Link]
AWB Assault Weapons Ban
BAC Bindon Aiming Concept
BAR Browning Automatic Rifle
BATTL Bilateral Ambidextrous Tactical Transition for Longarms (Galco Sling) [Link]
BBL Barrel
BC Ballistic Coefficient
BCE Battle Comp Enterprises [Link]
BCG Bolt Carrier Group
BCM Bravo Company MFG [Link]
BCO Browe Combat Optic
BDC Bullet Drop Compensator
BDU Battle Dress Uniform
BFA Blank Firing Adaptor
BFI Bushmaster Firearms, Inc [Link]
BG Battle Grip (made by Tango Down) [Link]
BL Bayonet Lug
BLAC BOBRO Lever, Auto Compensation [Link]
BM Bushmaster [Link]
BTW By The Way
BSZ Battle Sight Zero
BUG Back-Up Gun
BUIS Back-Up Iron Sight
C3 Class 3 (a class of restricted weapons as defined by the NFA, including machine guns, supressors, short-barrelled rifles, short-barrelled shotguns, etc.)
CAA Command Arms Accessories [Link]
CAR Carbine
CAR Colt Automatic Rifle
CC Concealed Carry
CCL Concealed Carry License
CCO Close Combat Optic
CCP Concealed Carry Permit
CCW Concealed Carry Weapon
CD Charles Daly [Link]
CH Charging Handle
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CIII Class 3 (See C3)
CL Chrome Lined
CLP Cleaner, Lubricant, Protectant
CMP Civilian Marksmanship Program
CMT Continental Machine and Tool
COM Center of Mass
CONUS Continental United States
CPL Concealed Pistol License
CQB Close Quarters Battle
CQC Close Quarters Combat
CQD Close Quarters Defense
CQM Close Quarters Marksmanship
CRKT Columbia River Knife & Tool [Link]
CRT Carbon Removal Tool
CTC Crimson Trace Corporation [Link]
CTM Collapsing Triangle Mechanism
CTR Compact/Type Restricted (stock produced by MagPul) [Link]
DA Double Action
DAO Double Action Only
DC Dust Cover
DCH Detachable Carry Handle
DD Daniel Defense [Link]
DI Direct (gas) Impingement
DIAS Drop-In Auto Sear
DIY Do It Yourself
DPMS Defense Procurement Manufacturing Services [Link]
DSA D.S. Arms [Link]
EA Essential Arms [Link]
EBR Evil Black Rifle
EBR Extended Bolt Release
EE Equipment Exchange
EMG Enhanced Magazine Grip (Rainier MFG and Gaylean Tactical Product) [Link]
EMOD Enhanced Mod-Stock (VLTOR) [Link]
ERS Emergency Rear Sight (Midwest Industries) [Link]
FA Firearm
FA Forward Assist
FA Full Automatic
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FAR Featherweight Assault Rifle
FCG Fire Control Group
FDE Flat Dark Earth
FF Free Float
FFL Federal Firearms License [Link]
FH Flash Hider
FIRSH Free-Floating Intergral Rail System (Olympic Arms) [Link]
FMJ Full Metal Jacket
FN Fabrique Nationale [Link]
FNMI FN Manufacturing, Inc [Link]
FOIA Freedom Of Information Act [Link]
FP Firing Pin
FP Flat Point
FPS Feet Per Second
FS Flash Suppressor
FSB Front Sight Base
FSP Front Sight Post
FST Front Sight Tower
FTB Firearms Technology Branch (ATF)
FTE Fail To Extract / Eject
FTF Fail To Feed
FTF Fail To Fire
G17 Glock 17 - 9mm Standard [Link]
G17L Glock 17 - 9mm Standard Competition
G19 Glock 19 - 9mm Compact [Link]
G20 Glock 20 - 10mm Standard [Link]
G21 Glock 21 - .45 ACP Standard [Link]
G21SF Glock 21SF - .45 ACP Short Frame
G22 Glock 22 - .40 Standard [Link]
G23 Glock 23 - .40 Compact [Link]
G24 Glock 24 - .40 Competition [Link]
G25 Glock 25 - .380 ACP Compact [Link]
G26 Glock 26 - 9mm Sub-Compact [Link]
G27 Glock 27 - .40 Sub-Compact [Link]
G28 Glock 28 - .380 ACP Sub-Compact [Link]
G29 Glock 29 - 10mm Sub-Compact [Link]
G30 Glock 30 - .45 ACP Sub-Compact [Link]
G31 Glock 31 - .357 Sig Standard [Link]
G32 Glock 32 - .357 Sig Compact [Link]
G33 Glock 33 - .357 Sig Sub-Compact [Link]
G34 Glock 34 - 9mm Competition [Link]
G35 Glock 35 - .40 Competition [Link]
G36 Glock 36 - .45 ACP Slimline [Link]
G37 Glock 37 - .45 GAP Standard [Link]
G38 Glock 38 - .45 GAP Compact [Link]
G39 Glock 39 - .45 GAP Sup-Compact [Link]
GCA Gun Control Act of 1968 [Link]
GG&G Guns, Gear, and Gadgets [Link]
GI Government Issue
GOA Gun Owners of America [Link]
GSE GunSmoke Enterprises [Link]
GSG German Sports Guns
GTG Good To Go
GTS Global Tactical Supply [Link]
HBAR Heavy Barrel
HD Home Defense
HK or H&K Heckler and Koch [Link]
HTS Hammer, Trigger, Sear
IAD Immediate Action Drill
IBZ Improved Battlesight Zero
ID Inside Diameter
ID Involuntary Discharge
IIRC If I Recall Correctly
IM Instant Message
IMHO In My Honest Opinion
IMO In My Opinion
ITAR International Trafficking in Arms Regulations [Link]
JHP Jacketed Hollow Point
JSP Jacketed Soft Point
KAC Knights Armament Company [Link]
KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid
KMC Knights Manufacturing Company
LCW Lauer Custom Weaponry [Link]
LE Law Enforcement
LEA Law Enforcement Agency
LEO Law Enforcement Officer
LHP Lead Hollow Point
LMT Lewis Machine & Tool [Link]
LOP Length Of Pull
LOS Line Of Sight
LPK Lower Parts Kit
LR Long Rifle
LULA Loader/UnLoader Accessory [Link]
LWRC Leitner-Wise Rifle Company [Link]
M1 Model 1
M4 Model 4
M16 Model 16
MAD Mulitple Aperture Device (GG&G Rear Sight) [Link]
Mag Magnum
MALICE Modified All-purpose Lightweight Carrying Equipment
MARS Multipurpose Aiming Reflex Sight
MATEN - Mega Arms Tactical ENforcer
MAV Modular Assault Vest (Tactical Tailor) [Link]
MBUS MagPul Back-Up Sights [Link]
MIAD Mission Adaptable (a modular grip manufactured by MagPul) [Link]
MIL Military
MILSPEC Military Specification
MOA Minute Of Angle (a measure of angular displacement equal to 1/60 of one degree, usually used when discussing group sizes[/B] - 1 MOA is roughly 1" at 100 yds)
MOE MagPul Original Equipment [Link]
MOLLE Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment
MOUT Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain
M&P Military and Police (A trademark of Smith and Wesson for a line of pistols and AR-15 rifles) [Link]
MRF Modular Rail Forend (Troy Industries) [Link]
MRP Monolithic Rail Platform (LMT) [Link]
MS2 Multi-Mission Sling (MagPul) [Link]
MUR Modular Upper Receiver (VLTOR) [Link]
MWS Modular Weapon System
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization [Link]
NFA National Firearms Act of 1934 [Link]
NFRTR National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record
ND Negligent Discharge (more likely than a AD)
NG National Guard
NOD Night Observation Device
NOOB Newbie (one who is new to a topic and doesn't have much knowledge of it)
NRA National Rifle Association [Link]
NSSF National Shooting Sports Foundation [Link]
NSW Naval Special Warfare
NTCH Nose To Charging Handle
NVD Night Vision Device
NVG Night Vision Goggle
OA Olympic Arms (also OlyArms) [Link]
OAL Overall Length
OBI Open Bolt Indicator
OCONUS Outside Continental United States
OD Olive Drab
OEG Occluded Eye Gunsight
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OICW Objective Individual Combat Weapon
OP Original Post / Poster
OPS Operations
OTAC Offset Tactical Aiming Laser
PAFS Permanently Attached Flash Suppressor
PALS Pocket Attachment Ladder System
PD Police Department
PDW Personal Defense Weapon
PC Performance Center
PM Preventative Maintenance
PM Private Message
PMAG Polymer Magazine (made by MagPul) [Link]
POA Point Of Aim
POF Patriot Ordinance Factory [Link]
POI Point Of Impact
[B]POTUS[B] President Of The United States
PRI Precision Reflex Incorporated [Link]
PRS Precision Rifle/Sniper (MagPul Stock)
PSD Personal/Protective Services Detail
PSP Pointed Self Point
PWA Pac West Arms
QCB Quick Change Barrel
QD Quick Detach
RA Rainier Arms [Link]
RA Robinson Armament [Link]
RAS Rail Adaptor System
RDIAS Registered Drop-In Auto Sear
RE Receiver Extension
Rem Remington
RIS Rail Interface System
RKBA Right to Keep and Bear Arms [Link]
ROF Rate Of Fire
RR Registered Receiver
RRA Rock River Arms [Link]
RTB Return To Base
SA Single Action
SACL Self-Aligning Compression Lock
SAR Small Arms Review
SBR Short Barreled Rifle
SCAR Special Operations Forces Combat Assault Rifle
SD Shell Deflector
SF Special Forces
SF Surefire [Link]
SGN ShotGun News [Link]
SHOT - Shooting Hunting Outdoor Trade (as in SHOT Show) Link
SIR Selective Integrated Rail (A.R.M.S.) [Link]
SJHP Semi-Jacketed Hollow Point
SJSP Semi-Jacketed Soft Point
SMG Sub Machine Gun
SOCOM Special Operations Command
SOPMOD Special Operations Peculiar Modification
SOT Special Occupational Taxpayer
SP Soft Point
SPC Special Purpose Cartridge
Spl Special
SPLP Same Plane Low Profile (Midwest Industries) [Link]
SPR Special Purpose Rifle
SPW Special Purpose Weapon
SRT Special Response Team
SS Stainless Steel
ST Sight Tool
STR Storage/Type Restricted
S&W Smith and Wesson [Link]
SWAT Special Weapons and Tactics
TCH Tactical Carry Handle
TD Tango Down [Link]
TDP Technical Data Package
T&E Test and Evaluation
TM Technical Manual
TNVC Tactical Night Vision Company [Link]
TRB Tap Rack Bang
TT Tactical Tailor [Link]
UBR Utility/Battle Rifle (a general purpose adjustable stock by MagPul) [Link]
UD Unintentional Discharge
USA United States Army [Link]
USAR United States Army Reserve [Link]
USC United States Code
USGI United States Government Issue
USMC United States Marine Corps [Link]
USN United States Navy [Link]
USP Universal Self-loading Pistol (Heckler & Koch) [Link]
VFG Vertical Fore Grip
VG Vertical Grip
VIS Versatile Interface Structure (VLTOR) [Link]
VTAC Viking Tactics [Link]
WEVO Weapon Evolution
Win Winchester
WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction
XCR eXchangeable Caliber Rifle (Robinson Armaments Modular Battle Rifle) [Link]
XD Extreme Duty (Springfield Armory Handgun series) [Link]
YHM Yankee Hill Machine [Link]
Z Zero
ZT Zero Tolerance (Knives) [Link]
Z7O Zero7One (I had to throw that one in)Last edited by zero7one; 29 March 2009 at 21:08.
1 April 2009, 16:44 #2
Nice Job... But one more...
AAR- After Action Report"God made Cops, so Firemen could have Heroes."
"We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."
Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. Psalm 144:1
1 April 2009, 17:07 #3
1 April 2009, 19:33 #4
TOS-The Other Site (
DD-Daniel Defense
8 April 2009, 17:13 #5
10 April 2009, 00:37 #6
MUR - Modular Upper Receiver (Vltor)
VIS - Versatile Interface Structure (Vltor)
10 April 2009, 07:48 #7
11 April 2009, 10:14 #8
16 June 2009, 13:08 #9Member
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What about M4C -
4 September 2009, 22:06 #10
BZO: Battlesight Zero
6 September 2009, 12:37 #11
SOP: standard operating procedure
9 November 2009, 08:34 #12
Posted SNAFU, FUBAR, and BOHICA, then realized you listed that you didn't want to put them on the list. So I deleted the post. My bad for not reading instructions fiirst.
"I like my weapons like I like my women, slightly dirty, and well lubed."
9 November 2009, 08:46 #13
22 July 2011, 21:22 #14
New to the forums, and these are very helpful, but I noticed you don't have BOB listed. I only recently found out that it stands for "Bail Out Bag" as I hadn't heard that term before.
Also, I don't know how much this comes up on here but in Tennessee the term HCP is often used for "Handgun Carry Permit" because that's what it says on our permits, rather than CWP or CCP.
23 July 2011, 12:29 #15Member
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With all due respect - AR actually stands for ArmaLite, not assault rifle.‘ar’-stands-for-armalite/"LONG LIVE THE FN-BROWNING-SAIVE HIGH POWER"
John Browning & Dieudonne Saive's Designs Will Always be Light Years Ahead of All the Others.
Fighting Anti-Gun Tyrants & Traitors is a 24/7 Job that Must be Done!
I'd rather beat a bad guy to death with my Browning High Power, than shoot him dead with a plastic pistol.