The Gofundme campaign has reached over $16K in one day, thank you guys for contributing and sharing.

In the early days of FCD, right after I left BAD, some I thought were friends couldn't bother to return calls and emails. Funny how that works when one is no longer in the position to be of use to folks. Many had stuck with me and my new company from the beginning, Josh and Will at Sionics, John at Rainier Arms, Brian at Tacticallink, etc., I'll always remember the early days and those that have been generous to us when we appeared to be inconsequential.

Will had always believed in our company, its mission and products. He had put us in touch with many we now call friends, and he never asked for anything in return. I'd send him a care package now and then to show him the new stuff we're doing, some he liked, the other he was quiet about. That was Will, he pulled no punches, he did not blindly follow any company or person, he had his own standards, and they were very high indeed.

The loss to the community is hard to gauge. Gone now is the voice of reason and wisdom against shoddy workmanship, quality and standards, gone now is the just assessment of gear and ARs regardless of name brand. It's as though the check and balance that kept manufacturers in line were removed.

His absence is significant.