Yeah, I read that Travis created it OUTSIDE of Magpul, bought it to Magpul and it has been toyed with, even insinuated that an actual version is coming and will be worth the wait.... but nothing yet. I know it was/is his project and I know, see above, a few people have/had them and also know because of the fervor that gets kicked up when they mention new products, they have clammed up. But heck, a year later and nada? But, seeing as there has been 6-9 month waits for their mags at times, that must be where all the effort is going.

Not like it is that hard of a piece to develop frankly. He has mentioned he has done extensive R&D already - so you wonder what the delay is. In the meantime, a few guys with some CNC ability have created their own that are pretty impressive and 1 cat is even selling his version over at CalGuns... but I want to hold out and see IF and what Magpul pulls out... tick tock tick tock