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  1. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by FortTom View Post
    Hell, out of two dozen other idiotic things, LA's new AG is making assaulting a police officer a non crime. They (the socialists) know the only way to control us through gun control. Then they take over health care, employment, the food chain, every aspect of our lives. I just watched an older video of Kamala Harris say "hell yes, when I'm elected President" (a Freudian slip?) I'm coming to take them and jail you if you (being us) resist.
    The ATF is just getting warmed up! Sorry for rant. I know it's pushing the political do not cross line for the forum, but the gun grabbers are so intertwined with weak spined politicians it's hard to not get your toes up to that DMZ because our future overlords are puppets of the George Soros' of the world. If I get spanked for this post, that's o.k.

    Take their statements to its end game, who will they get to enforce their bogus laws? Logistically its just a pipe dream on their part, all they can spread is fear, that is their game. Its smoke and mirrors... Their own plan shoots themselves in the foot by alienating the police and turning the cops against themselves... Patriots need to change the way they look at their gun rights, the right to bear arms does not come from the constitution so all this save the second amendment rhetoric is hot air. If they take away the 2A it doesn't matter, it changes nothing, since our right to bear arms comes before the constitution, not because of it. This is exactly what the British did just before the original unpleasantness. You cannot legislate away an idea or a core beleif.
    Last edited by Stone; 12 December 2020 at 07:53.
    The best way to survive a violent encounter is to be the one inflicting the most violence.

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