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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    N. KY

    Almost gone - need knife

    Haven't said anything, because I figured no one would G.A.F. anyway, but I came within about a day of dying over the holidays. Actually, almost on my birthday.

    Well hell must hate me, because I made it and am still here. The reason I'm posting this is because I'm missing one last check mark on my bucket list.

    Ever since I was a young teen, I've wanted to hunt Africa, so before I almost croak again, I'm checking that spot on my bucket list. God willing, I'm going to Africa, not this summer (their winter) but the next spring/summer (theirs). I have about everything I need, including a .375 H&H for dangerous game, but my real destiny is to meet a Cape Buffalo face to face and duke it out.

    One thing I can't figure out is what knife to take, a heavy duty knife, but not large like a "Rambo" thing, but maybe a 5 or 6 inch bladed fixed knife that can handle any thing I throw at it. I really don't want to spend $300 plus for a knife that I will eventually lose (happens all of the time), but something as tough as nails, at the same time.

    Sorry to you all that coming within a day or day and a half, I didn't croak, especially UWone but them's the breaks, you still have to put up with me or ban me, one or the other. Is it true that some of you had a pool going to see who got to piss on my grave first?

    Let me know what your suggestions are as far as a stubborn all purpose kniffe for my trip would be. As always, thanks ahead,

    Last edited by FortTom; 25 January 2022 at 18:45.
    NRA Life Member
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