SHOT Show 2010 was larger than ever, with more floor walkers, and more manufacturers than I've seen. It was also chopped up with no real sense of layout that made sense. Remington Military mixed into the hunting section? Come on, how is that helping dealers, distributors or the manufacturer?

I heard from multiple well known manufacturers that SHOT is less and less of what it used to be. As MIL and LE gets thrown into the Hunting section, and the show grows to obscene size, the return on the manufacturers investment doesn't seem to be there. One of the guys commented that SHOT runs about 250k once you figure everything in. For that money, they could be doing adwork in print or pushing into pictures and online work more heavily. I also heard a lot of people commenting that SHOT is no longer an insider show, and that now its everyone who knows a guy with a FFL running around witha bag looking to load up with free stuff.

I think the internet and raw size of SHOT is detracting from what it used to be.

Anyone else getting similar feedback?