So I've been turning this argument over in my head for the past few weeks and I can't seem to come to a solid conclusion. The basic question is; which item would have more utility, a .22 suppressor or a shotgun?

Some arguments for the suppressor: should probably get it before restrictions on trusts become more restrictive. Would definitely be nice to have for home defense and shooting with the kid (which will be here eventually). Shotgun will likely not be used for home defense, we have pistols for that. I have rifles for hunting. I currently do not own a suppressor. Suppressors on any weapon look cool.

Some arguments for the shotgun: a local gun store has a good deal on a Wilson 870 that's almost to good to pass up, and I'm afraid it will go relatively quickly. Need more training/ need to remain proficient with the weapon platform. I'm currently with a unit that is in the field for long periods of time and can deploy at any time. I do not want to go through the NFA process only to have to pick up the suppressor while I am in the field or deployed. I do not own a shotgun. Shotguns are cool.

I was hoping to get some outsides opinions. I've been thinking about this so long that my arguments are becoming more focused on what would be more useful in a SHFT situation and have lost touch with reality a bit.

Outside opinions are needed!