Sounds fun. My knees, at least for now, prohibit any realistic competition at all. Maybe that'll change, we'll see. I miss "club" matches, where the grand prize was free beer and maybe a couple of boxes of ammo. No attitudes, but bragging rights are bestowed upon winners. I'm trying to get into a private local club here, and do some steel plate shooting. In my experience, USPSA/IDPA santioned matches were shot by 99.9 percent great guy's, and one or two anal "Richard Craniums", who had to bitch and challenge every thing from inches in distance to challenging the accuracy of the club timers. Sometimes those matches were just ruined by the one or two. Sound like you guys got it right, keep it "local" or vouch in only people who don't cry like children, when they get their butt's handed to them on a plate. P.S. Unless your boss is also your father-in-law, I'd use your "bragging rights" judiciously, around him. I once pissed off the Sherriff of the county of a private range, I lived in, by giving him a good old "butt whooping". Not one of my smarter moves...