The one thing I like most about WEVO is that it is one stop shopping. The admins do a great job at posting new product, they don’t catch everything at release but they don’t miss much. The members fill in that gap when something might slip by the admins. Also we have several members that are bloggers and product reviewers. I have added a lot of those pages to my RRS reader and try to read as much as I can when I can. The other thing here at WEVO that helps is that our member base is very wide in variety. Along with this variety comes a variety of budgets for builds and other various products.

I read the blogs and the product reviews but it is hard to find material for those of us on a budget. I would love to own a TAD Hoodie but seriously $275 for a hoodie is just plain ridiculous. Or $400 for a pair of pants (pants pants.. not foul weather gear pants... just plain jane pants ) and $700 for a windbreaker…I mean come on if I combined those three items I could build a decent rifle with quality name brand products. Maybe I am just reading the wrong blogs, maybe there is a place I can go to find products that are in the realm of the everyday guy’s budget, but I have not found that place yet. If there is a place like that I would greatly appreciate anyone that can point it out. I am not talking about blow out sales on last year’s product to make room for this year’s trends. I actually postponed the purchasing of my rail just so I could pick up 2 pairs of 5.11 pants….that were on sale. I am a guy, and most guys don’t spend $90+ on a pair of pants.

The top of the line products are nice to read about but in all honestly 99.9% of them I will only read about and never purchase. I have a wife and two kids that come first, so my gear purchases are on a budget. It would be nice to read reviews on budget gear every now and then.