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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by rob_s View Post
    Yes it is. My perspective is that accumulating crap just to accumulate crap is a waste of money. I don't care if it's Elvis collector plates, beer steins, or guns. Objects and items, for me, are not about the ownership but about what I can do with them. They are there to support a task or as a tool for use in an activity. I don't collect suitcases for the sake of posting to suitcase forums about my latest purchase/project, I have a couple for the purposes of travel. One large for long trips, one small for short trips. I don't own a 9mm Ar because:project or because:”build" or because:neato or because:Internet-picture-posting, I own one because there are matches I participate in where it's the only rifle I can shoot, and ranges where only pistol-caliber ammo is allowed.

    If the DPMS owner has a defined purpose and his DPMS is fulfilling that purpose, then I have no issue with it. In fact, at one time DPMS was the choice of a lot of 3-gun ears, for whatever reason (probably because at the time there wasn't a TV show and the only people cheaper than 3-gunners were USPSA shooters). I find the accumulation of things, for the sake of accumulation, to be odd as fuck.
    I bet the guy who bought a colt 6920 every month seemed like a real gun nut.., until the sandy hook shooting. Then his 1,100 investment tripled over night. Accumulation for the sake of accumulation? No some guns are shooters. Some are investments.

    Builds for Internet gun postings? Haha. Find a "build" post or rifle picture of mine before being here a good long while. That's not an accident. If that were my "thing" I'd have lead with it. No I came and stayed to help people. Not rip them because dang look that guys posting another build. Only reason I even started posting pictures of my personal rifles was the stimulation of conversation. This place was crickets a lot of times. Did I help change that, nope probably not. But I tried to help the forum grow. But the only thing i see you post about lately is whale jizz coatings and purging.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Last edited by DutyUse; 2 March 2015 at 08:24.

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