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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by alamo5000 View Post
    It seems like California people are overrunning everything. Arizona, Utah, Nevada. It's like rats off a sinking ship. Texas even has their share of them.
    The question is, are the Californians that are moving to free states people who are trying to escape the tyranny of Kommiefornia, or are they invasive species liberal type of Californian trying to spread their lunacy to other places?

    Washington seems to have the latter, liberal tech workers and execs taking over like an invasive species, choking out the native population with their liberal, utopian, psychobabble bullshit.
    "It's time to start slapping people." - George Carlin

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  2. #17
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    Oct 2014
    I guess I don't see the point of pairing a Concealed Carry permit with the vehicle registration; the driver may not necessarily be the owner, and it could either lull the officer into a false sense of security or key them up unnecessarily.

  3. #18
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    N. KY
    Quote Originally Posted by Former11B View Post
    I guess I don't see the point of pairing a Concealed Carry permit with the vehicle registration; the driver may not necessarily be the owner, and it could either lull the officer into a false sense of security or key them up unnecessarily.
    I think the officer is suppose to approach the vehicle with the same vigilance as he/she would if they didn't have a CCW license associated with their tags or liscense or not. From talking to cops around here, anyway. Here, they don't even have to check for insurance. Your insurance company updates their databases monthly, so they even know that, and who knows what else...

    We're pretty lucky here. The cops are really pretty cool around here, and if you're not acting stupid, they won't bother you in the first place.
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  4. #19
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    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by FortTom View Post
    I think the officer is suppose to approach the vehicle with the same vigilance as he/she would if they didn't have a CCW license associated with their tags or liscense or not. From talking to cops around here, anyway. Here, they don't even have to check for insurance. Your insurance company updates their databases monthly, so they even know that, and who knows what else...

    We're pretty lucky here. The cops are really pretty cool around here, and if you're not acting stupid, they won't bother you in the first place.
    I agree entirely about the same posture no matter what. I just haven't heard any good rationale for linking weapons permits with the drivers license

  5. #20
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    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Former11B View Post
    I agree entirely about the same posture no matter what. I just haven't heard any good rationale for linking weapons permits with the drivers license
    The rationale here in Texas as far as I know is that it's simply a hell of a lot more cost effective. Instead of creating an entirely new database and system for valid CHL holders all they really did was just tack on a few more fields into the driver's license system. Getting the license is easy, implementation is easy, keeping track of who has one and when it needs to be renewed is easy. You can update your address just as easy as you can with your driver's license.

    I think the system was born more out of practicality rather than some means to keep tabs on people. That said in Texas I don't know the exact time frame but if you get caught doing a crime of some sort they can ID you and revoke your CHL should the need arise. (That said something like 150 people out of about 5 million have their license pulled annually). It's not a lot but when the cops do need to react they can very promptly.

    Our DL doesn't say a word about CHL and neither does your car... but if the cops run your ID or run your plate and ultimately attach it to your ID they get a response back in about 2 minutes 'please be advised that the subject has a valid CHL'. And if you're playing odds you have a better chance of getting struck twice by lightening than you do having to deal with a crime amongst CHL 90% of the time cops are like 'hey man hows it going. you got a weapon on you?' "yeah? oh man thats nice... I love Sig! Now slow down please" and off you go.

    On the flip side of that if you're a cop and pulling over a shady pimped out car full of questionable individuals you probably will handle it differently.

  6. #21
    Join Date
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    Behind the Lines in WA
    I despise this State (WA). Bunch of tree-hugging, foul smelling deviants. As soon as I am able I'm moving to Montana. These libtards are clueless.
    "Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here."-Capt. John Parker, Lexington Militia on April 19, 1775


    "Fortis cadere, cedere non potest"

  7. #22
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I'm a California transplant that moved to WA , On behalf of my former state I apologize I though I locked the door behind me

  8. #23
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    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Sak007 View Post
    I'm a California transplant that moved to WA , On behalf of my former state I apologize I though I locked the door behind me
    Apology accepted. And thanks for not being a liberal idiot.
    "It's time to start slapping people." - George Carlin

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  9. #24
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    Kent, Wa.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sak007 View Post
    I'm a California transplant that moved to WA , On behalf of my former state I apologize I though I locked the door behind me

    I'm with Sak on this one. I've been here almost 20 years and wish my family would leave that dung heap.


  10. #25
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    N. KY
    Quote Originally Posted by Jumpmaster View Post
    I despise this State (WA). Bunch of tree-hugging, foul smelling deviants. As soon as I am able I'm moving to Montana. These libtards are clueless.
    Please, don't sugar coat it, Jumpmaster - tell us how you really feel....

    Our problem is jobs. KY has been building new factories and creating jobs (in certain areas) despite everything Obama could do to stop us. Case in point: Amazon building new hub here in my city = 2700 new jobs. People flood from the north to try to get these jobs. Soon after arriving, they start talking their anit-gun shit, and (Lord help them) their anti-hunting crap and their general "the world owes me" crap. Their sons and daughters don't feel the need to finish high school, and are the seeds of gangs and drug dealing, and 18 year old welfare "baby mamma" with five kids.

    Those new transplants cost us way more than the tax dollars the jobs generate.

    KY is a very friendly state. I've talked to many, many visitors who are amazed of how friendly and polite we are. But when they start talking their anti 2A crap, or go into a rage if they see someone open carry, or dressed in hunting outfits, they get shut down pretty damned quick, when they find out that 100 of their co-workers, and all of their neighbors aren't so friendly anymore, and not ashamed to be vocal about it either.

    When a certain element's kids decided to start gang banging, the county Sherriff said screw that, and within a year their neighborhood was a ghost town, no graffiti on walls anywhere, and crimes back down to average for a midsize town. Certain areas like Louisville is rampant, but we more or less have it "cordoned" off metaphorically speaking, and let them prosper or self-destruct on their own.

    Moral of this rant? People are going to follow the property values and the jobs. I have friends from Texas who are virtually stunned by the left wing crap that a tidal wave of Californians that came there for jobs, sold their modest small homes for a million bucks, and spent a third of that on a 6 bedroom home in TX, escaped the crippling taxes, then want to bring their liberal bullshit and ideas there, which ironically is what forced them to leave CA in the first place. Sort of like the muslim immigrants who are dying to get away from their own hell hole, just to come here and practice the same life they fled from.

    Organize your friends and neighbors who are opposed to these transplants changing the rules upon their arrival. Fire politicians that won't stand up for your rights and hire new ones. That includes Sheriffs where elected, councilmen, mayors, hell kick the sanitation manager to the curb if that's what it takes. Let people call you racist, xenophobes, homophobes, etc. Except for the "racist" which is getting way to old, none of the other names will hurt you. And that laundry list of name calling really did Hillary a lot of good, didn't it? Besides, here we have very little negative racial problems. It's something for the overwhelming part of us called "respect", for our shared values and life goals. We don't need outsiders coming in and implementing Saul Alinsky's/ Soros funded disruption of the harmony we share, and most people here, regardless of race will shut those people down really, really fast, to the point that they don't know what hit them, and are gone in a heart beat. God help anybody stupid enough to take 15 buck an hour to be bussed in here to riot, destroy, burn or loot in the name of a "protest". If you ever see that on the news, happening here, grab a beer and some popcorn and watch what happens. We, of all races here, will reign hell on those who would beat old people, burn, loot and destroy in the guise of their constitutional right to peaceful protest.

    I could go on, but this isn't really a political rant, it's a rant on how to SAVE YOUR HERITAGE 2a GUNS AND HUNTING RIGHTS from left wing invaders and interlopers. We have some of the loosest gun laws in the nation. If someone stands in our way of entering public land to go hunting, they get their asses kicked, literally, then arrested for impeding a lawful activity (a bad day for them, all around). It works. We make it work with our cash, votes and actions. And many of us cheer the thought of CALEXIT. I can understand those who for one reason or another, must live in a state which holds them in contempt for wanting to exercise their rights, but honestly? I don't see many folks on the news raising hell (without violence) to defend their rights. I'm thinking you might fight a little harder against those who outnumber you, me, I'm willing to die for mine. I'd rather die than be a subject of pukes hosting riots against us, than subject myself to them.

    Whoa, sorry for the rant, but I'm almost 60, and was raised to believe that America can only get better and better. Now we need water cannons to punch out people that our forefathers died to keep us from.


    Last edited by FortTom; 11 February 2017 at 18:50.
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  11. #26
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    May 2009
    I just received this e-mail from Rep. Mike Chapman
    thanks for your input! While I did not sign on to the bill banning the purchase of assault rifles I do believe expanded background checks and waiting periods are appropriate before one is allowed to purchase these types of weapons.

    That said I doubt either of these bills will be enacted into law by the Legislature. Instead, they will most likely move to the ballot as initiatives. Early polling shows they both have a good chance to pass.

    Representative Mike Chapman
    24th Legislative District
    Assistant Majority Whip
    Vice-Chair Ag & Natural Resources

    House of Representatives
    PO Box 40600
    Olympia, WA 98504-0600

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Seattle, WA
    well, that's disheartening...

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I am obviously 100% against any type of ban in WA... however, I almost guarantee you 100% an "assault weapons" type ban is coming. Maybe not in 2017, but definitely in 2018. Don't be stupid, if you can get out, do so. I know I'll be here at least 10 more years. BUT... if you want to get some extra mags or that rifle you've been eyeing, don't wait. Stock is high, prices are low. Don't wait until they enact legislation and panic buying ensues.

    I'm not trying to be negative, but we all know King County / Seattle controls the entire state, and those people vote and vote multiple times when possible.

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by UWone77 View Post
    I am obviously 100% against any type of ban in WA... however, I almost guarantee you 100% an "assault weapons" type ban is coming. Maybe not in 2017, but definitely in 2018. Don't be stupid, if you can get out, do so. I know I'll be here at least 10 more years. BUT... if you want to get some extra mags or that rifle you've been eyeing, don't wait. Stock is high, prices are low. Don't wait until they enact legislation and panic buying ensues.

    I'm not trying to be negative, but we all know King County / Seattle controls the entire state, and those people vote and vote multiple times when possible.
    That is the same sinking feeling i have. And it REALLY pisses me off. Give these fuckers an inch (I-594), and they take a mile (bans galore). It's especially aggravating because it's really only a few counties that are responsible for this crap, along with their out-of-state financial backing. It's time more people take a stand. I do my best to educate those who are oblivious or apathetic, i write letters to legislators, i spread the word as much as i can, and urge those who are passionate about protecting their rights to do the same. But it sure would be nice if we had some backing from the NRA or GOA, etc. on fighting this crap so WA doesn't become Kommiefornia North.
    Last edited by Deadwing; 13 February 2017 at 01:57.
    "It's time to start slapping people." - George Carlin

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  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deadwing View Post
    ... It's time more people take a stand. I do my best to educate those who are oblivious or apathetic, i write letters to legislators, i spread the word as much as i can, and urge those are are passionate about protecting their rights to do the same...
    Unfortunately, most gun owners I know just won't take the time to do this. They bitch and moan about the "minority" and "out of state" people making rules, etc., ad nauseam. But when it's time to write, call or email politicians it's always "well I've got two kids and didn't have the time", or I was going to but my wife was using the computer, or some other bull crap. When it comes to helping fund organizations that fight for gun rights, it's the same kind of crap...well I was kind of short last week....blah blah blah. They always assume that because we are a conservative state that it couldn't happen here and they are comfortable with that. What they fail to realize is that Louisville and Lexington have liberal strongholds here, and the left is totally passionate about their crap. Also, bans, laws, restrictions, etc. come from the Federal level, where a handful of states in the nation control what the majority do.

    I would very respectfully, screaming and vulgarities only work for paid liberal protesters like the vagina heads, etc., re-write that letter to say that any inaction on your part will result in a grass roots campaign to replace you the next election cycle. Then DO it. Get your gun club involved, find as many gun stores in your state as you can and email them petitions, etc., flood them (your state senators and representatives) with phone calls and tell your friends they can take five minutes out of the week, away from "the kids" and get off of their apathetic asses and email a letter and call their representatives. At the very least you can let them (politicians) know people are paying attention, and that senate seat doesn't come with a life time guarantee.


    Last edited by FortTom; 12 February 2017 at 13:49.
    NRA Life Member
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