I got my 9mm can and the thing has been stuck on the end of my pistol since day 1. I am totally digging it in a big way.

Anyway when I broke the can down to clean the baffles...OMG it was a royal pain in the ass to clean off that baked on carbon. I basically had to get a wire brush and get it off as best as I could. I soaked them and got some of it off that way.... but still... a slight pain in the ass. I even put them in my brass tumbler for hours... no results.

Then I remembered that I had a bunch of SEAL 1 (almost like froglube) and I soaked the baffles in that stuff and got em nice and coated and let them sit... Then I got them warm with a hair dryer and did it again like 3 or 4 times... and so on and so forth until they were treated with it.

I then went and shot a few hundred rounds and broke the suppressor down to see what I would find. First off the carbon was liquified. I wiped off the baffles with a rag and they were shiny and almost like new. Not bad results at all.

All I know is it worked. I guess that's going to be my go to baffle treating regiment until I can think of or find something better.

Just thought I would pass that along...

FYI I used the liquid Seal 1 not the paste but I am sure both would be fine.