Sorry guys, I don't want to keep on posting up political stuff but it's relevant to us. I posted this elsewhere online but I figured I would see what you guys have to say about it.


"A little history lesson. In the 1990s Dianne Feinstein authored the Assault Weapons ban. She's wanted to ban all semi auto firearms forever especially the AR15, but she could not muster the votes.

Later Heller was decided in the SCOTUS that semi auto pistols are considered constitutionally protected and as a result this reversed several left wing draconian gun laws in at least a couple of states and cities.

On the tails of that Kavanagh later ruled that you cannot make a legal (or logical) distinction between a semi auto pistol and a semi auto rifle hence he ruled AR15s are protected by the 2nd Amendment because of the Heller Decision.

That one ruling alone kills 95% of what Dianne Feinstein has spent a lifetime fighting for. Her dream dies with his confirmation or at very least suffers a severe setback.

Sexual harassment and women's rights are just the side show to rally the base.

What got Kavanaugh in trouble more than anything is his positions and legal rulings on firearms. His rulings directly contradicted Feinstein's anti gun jihad.

It sucks for you when you blatantly tamper with the life long pet issue of a sitting Senator."


Here is the segment of the very first questions that Kavanaugh was asked on the very first day of his confirmation hearing by none other that anti gun jihadist Dianne Fienstein.