I'll lead with this. My experience with suppressors is limited, so I need to tap into y'alls personal and professional experience on the matter.

I have a .300 Blk pistol that I originally set up to accompany us on long road trips. It has since become my favorite gun. I freaking love it. It's small, balances well, and shoots great. Even fits in a HAWG Camelbak.

Carrying in that bag is somewhat awkward though and I'm looking to upgrade to a 24" VertX backpack. Turns out, with the Law Tactical folding stock adapter, I could suppress the weapon and it would still fit into a 24" pack. With that knowledge, suppressing it seems like an obvious choice. HOWEVER... I'd be sacrificing a good portion of what I love most about the gun to do that; its compactness and handling. Sure, I could get a QD and just take it off no have it all short and handy again, but my understanding is that if you intend to suppress, it should basically just be left that way. And that makes sense to me.

Another thing I was considering is that suppression would be a positive, Especially given its roll as a travel gun where donning hearing protection may not be an immediate option.

So my question to you suppressor guys, especially you guys who run them on SBR's or AR/AK pistols or subguns, which is your preference and why? Staying short and handy, or going longer, heavier, and quieter?

Pic of her as she sits. Pyzik I am not.

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