Thanks guys. That makes sense. And welcome to the forum Jumpmaster. I think you will fit in and be a great addition here. Tons of knowledgeable people here. One more is always welcome.

Pretty much most kind of fabrics will degrade over time, for sure.

The discussion we were having wasn't in any kind of LEO or military context, but rather was half in fun, but also serious at the same time, especially in light of the last six months of stuff going on. We talked current events etc... and he asked my view on various guns and whatever...but I threw out there that actually knowing how to fight is not the same thing as knowing how to shoot... big difference.

Then we ended up talking about basically the best kind of kit to have in a crazy situation (guns were a given of course) but other than that his #1 was body armor and mine was night vision/thermal. You can pretty much F somebody up pretty bad in the dark if they can't see you but you can see them.

Anyway if I make some decent money I might invest in both just because I could do it but the other guy sounded to me like he actually was pretty much already shopping for armor. LOL