Bear with me folks as this is my first product review. And to make it even better, I'll admit that my experience is kind of thin in the world of bipods. So here's an open invitation for you guys to correct/clarify any comments that aren't in keeping with your experiences.

Let me begin by saying that I was looking for a bipod that was robust in function, but also a simple looking, clean design. In other words anything that wasn't bulky with exposed springs. Now I have nothing against Harris and others when it comes to function. But since this is going to reside on my new SPR (which should be finished this week) I wanted something...well...slick. I know that sounds shallow...but hey...

In the end the choice was between Bobro and Atlas. I'm still wondering if I made the right decision. But I'll never know until I own the Bobro as well. We'll see about working that into the budget at some point.

So having researched as much as my ADD would allow, I took the plunge on the Atlas. I heard that the wait was going to be a while, and honestly that almost pushed me to the Bobro. But was able to find one at US Tactical Supply. I had to purchase a "no mount" model to get one without a backorder. So if you're interested in ordering one with the ARMS mount, I can't comment on that aspect. I don't own any ARMS products, but I'm sure it would be fine. I chose to order a LaRue LT-171 since my experience with LaRue has been good.

This is a very solid unit, and it has a pretty small "presence". It doesn't really look like much, until you start exploring the settings and functionality. It seems to load well, and the 15 degree cant and swivel is nice. The tension adjustment knob doesn't have a lot of travel, so transition from a "locked down" tension to a swivel and cant mode is pretty good.

As I've found to generally be the case with 6-9" bipods, loading the Atlas is a bit harder without some extension of the legs. In their shortest position the natural body weight behind the weapon doesn't seem to apply enough downward force. In the case of the Atlas, if you knew that you needed to be lower to the ground, its ability to position the legs at a 45 degree angle seems to provide a decent downward force on the legs. I did take the Atlas to the range for a light workout this weekend, but I didn't test this with rounds down range. I can only speak to my dry fire practice. I'll test this out next time I get to the range, but I'm pretty confident this will help. I want to see if there's any noticeable difference between the short and extended positioning. I'll also have to find someone to test it on a larger caliber (5.56 and 6.5 Grendel just won't do).

Just a bit of speculation on my part, but I imagine the 45 degree capability could be a benefit for high angle shots as well.

Perhaps it will change with repetition, but I find the legs a bit slow to deploy. Since the legs move forward and backward into a gated, gear-like mechanism, you have to make sure the retention is fully released. If not it can bind. If you've ever tried to pull a sidearm from a Serpa holster before your index finger fully releases the retention device, you know how it can hang. Same thing here. As well, the Atlas leg extension can bind if you pull it before retention release is complete. Not necessarily a big deal. I can't really imagine (at least for myself) the need to deploy bipod legs in a high stress situation. So I'll just have to learn to be a bit smoother.

That's it for now. As I give it more of a workout, I report on any more observations.

And now for the pics. I need to take some at the range as well.

LaRue LT 171 Mount
