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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Brainstorming My First Rig

    Okay, a couple days ago I started a thread asking about a specific brand of gear and came to realize from some the of responses that I had jumped in way too quickly. So, here's a new one to focus on figuring out what I actually want and the best way of going about it.

    I'm a civilian. This will be my SHTF and fun rig.
    I know from the get-go I'm not a big fan of the "war belt". I like my first and second line gear to be integrated.
    I'd like to carry six AR15 magazines. Preferably in 3 pockets, 2 per pocket. I am open to other ideas, though.
    I'd like a canteen pouch and a medical pouch.
    I want the back of my 1st/2nd line gear to be smooth enough that I could carry a backpack over it. I want to be able to take the backpack on and off easily for traveling in vehicles, moving in confined areas, resting, etc.
    While I probably won't get rifle plates right away, I would like the ability to have lvl3 steel plates.
    Quick-ditch isn't an issue, not working in a maritime environment.
    As far as price point goes... I can save up more if I need to. Let's keep it under about $700 at the top end (including lvl3 steel plates, NOT including backpack).
    While weight is, of course, always a concern- My big hobby outside of firearms is backpacking, so carrying heavy loads through often precarious environments for long distances is not a foreign concept to me.

    I've noticed a couple ways of setting up gear. Seems there can either be a two-piece set up where there's a plate carrier and a chest rig over that. Or, a one-piece set up where pouches are attached directly to the plate carrier. From my untrained eyes, I can see advantages to both. It seems the two-piece would be a little more versatile. (For example, carry ammo without the armor, carry armor without the ammo.) But, there is that extra step of getting it on and off.

    The Eagle Industries products look pretty good. They seem to get good reviews, and are priced reasonably. However, I have not acquired any brand loyalties yet and am open to pretty much anything.

    Since I started looking into this stuff, I've changed my mind about half a dozen times.... feel free to tell me how wrong I am and the right way to do things.

    As of now, though... This is my most up-to-date proposed set up.

    $140 Eagle Plate Carrier Molle, Ranger Green. (How does sizing work on plate carriers?)
    $240 lvl 3 steel rifles plates. (Is reputable? Any better source?)
    $70 Eagle M4 Chest Rig, LE 6 Mag
    $50 Eagle Medical Pouch
    $50 Eagle Canteen Pouch

    I think the carrier with molle will be good to have, even if I do plan to use the chest rig. If I ever change my mind, I just buy an ammo pouch and I'm set.

    Suggestions? Comments? Criticisms?

    Last edited by lamarbrog; 18 August 2011 at 08:43.

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