Post #16 was picked and PM inbound for the winner.

Just to keep things moving along...

Two new mags are up for grabs. One 30 round Pmag and one 20 round CProducts mag. You can have any color, as long as it's black. Just post here prior to 14 AUG 12, 2359 hrs (Pacific). I'll use to pick a number for the winner. I'll be going by post number, so please don't post if you're not in. If you already have 463 mags leftover from the Y2K thing, maybe let some unprepared sole pick them up. Also, don't put in for them if you live in a location that prohibits high cap mags.

To answer a few inquiries...
Yes, if needed I can turn these into parts for a rebuild kit.
No, these are not manufacturer supplied samples. I purchased them myself some time ago.
Yes, I'll cover shipping.