***LISTEN UP!!! $500 (fiVe hUNdReD) in SKD Gift Certificates UP FOR GRABS!!!***

Think you know a thing or two about your SKD purchased item? Well, you just might have the answer for a fellow customer's question.

Our new Q&A feature allows anyone to ask product related questions on the product description page AND it allows anyone to answer it- just look for the green "Ask a question" icon pictured here. We think this feature will help create a wealth of detailed information for everyone in the SKD community, and we're willing to put our money where our mouth is to prove it.

From now until 23:59 (CST) Christmas Eve, answer questions on any SKD product Q&A and you'll automatically be entered to WIN one of 15 (Fifteen) $20 Gift Certificates ($300 Total Value). Your answers have to be factually correct, and not already covered in the product description, or previously answered by someone else.

Now if your answers are good- I mean REALLY GOOD- they may be selected by a panel of SKD judges to win additional prizes in our Best Answer Contest. SKD Gift Certificates will be awarded as follows: First Place, $100/ Second Place, $60 / Third Place, $40.

All told, we will be giving out FIVE-HUNDO in SKD Gift Certificates on Christmas Day. If you have a good working knowledge of the product that you ordered from SKD, stretch out those key bangers and get to writing some answers! Good Luck!!!