I'm sort of a new guy here and don't really know anyone from Adam so to speak. I know it's a gun place but it's always cool to see what other people do for fun. Me, I have a few hobbies. Some I'm better at that the others.

For about 5 years I've enjoyed road racing sport bikes. I got out of that recently to buy a house and please the wife, but knowing me I'll be back in it before too long.

I'm learning like crazy to take photos, though I've still got a LONG way to go. What looks good to me tends to not look good to others but I try.

I also collect...err...attempt to collect watches. I fancy Omega but the wife usually stops me in my tracks when I show the price tag. Right now I've only got two watches and this is the latest purchase.

I also like to build and tinker with cars. I used to have a '74 Corvette that was pretty sweet. Big block 468 built pretty well. Wife decided that had to go so I could go bike racing.

What are you guys in to?