I'm a little curious. Am I the only one or are there others who are really ambidextrous?

It doesn't matter to me at all if I shoot my 1911 .45 left handed or right handed. I don't miss with it either way. I'm cross dominant with my eyes anyway. I can write with both hands no problem (I guess that comes from having broken my right arm as a kid twice when I was young).

With rifles - they are really designed for right handed people unless you build a lefty AR or find a lefty bolt rifle. Still, it makes no difference to me. I shoot with both eyes.

So, is there anyone out there like me in our forum here or am I the only one?

I am terrible with magnifying optics unless I can use my left eye and I was marksman in the Navy. I like good old fashioned iron sights most of all for any distance I can see which is around 800 meters for accuracy. Why? because I can use both my eyes.

Am I the only one who shoots like this?

I can chase a coke can up a hill with my .45 all day with either hand and never miss (until my clips are empty) [NOBODY say ANYTHING aboiut using the word 'clip' - we've used that word in the military for them for well over 50 years and 'We' know what it means!]. Simply saying 'clip' is a lot shorter than saying 'magazine'. That millisecond of difference can be the difference between life and death in battle.

So, back to the question. Any truly ambidextrous shooters here? I'd like to hear from you if your are. I'm feeling a wee bit lonely as if I'm the only one on our planet.
