While I be patient for being able to get the rest of the parts I need for this pistol I'm working on, I've been playing around with designs.

I've thought about putting a magwell grip on this pistol and also an angled foregrip. I have no experience with either though.

For you who have AR pistols, how do you hold them with your forward hand? How do you find it best for control and comfort?

I can see advantages to both grips from a geometric, ergonomic and physics perspective. I won't know how they actually feel in my hands and work with my body until I work with them. Just holding my .303 or my shotgun I can understand how an angled grip would be more comfortable. I wouldn't have to twist my wrist 90 degrees. It seems to me that the magwell grip is designed to for AR pistols to kind of mimic two handed shooting with a pistol.

What experience do any of you have with either grip on an AR pistol and what are your thoughts about them? Hearing your experience and thoughts may very well help me.

Thanks guys,