I'm sure this has been covered quite a few times, but maybe a new thread can help some others as well as myself. Plan on picking up a BCG in the next couple/few weeks as the last purchase for my build. Just wanted to get some opinions on a couple things from you guys, as I know that ya'll have more experience with different brands and types of BCG's.

So I am trying to find a fair balance between cost and quality first of all. There are a ton of options out there, so what do you think are some good manufacturers to make a shortlist out of without breaking the wallet?

secondly, compared to most of you guys I will be a light to moderate shooter, so is the NiB worth the extra expense for me? I dont mind shelling out a few more bucks at all, but no point in doing so if it would be considered a waste.

thanks for ya'll's help on pointing me in the right direction, and any further considerations you think I should add to these two questions will be welcomed as well.