Quote Originally Posted by Former11B View Post
Did they elaborate on why it was rejected even after talking to an examiner?

My only real NFA Saga is playing out now; it’s the dealer that is the issue. If I hadn’t gotten the Mini-4 for so cheap I wouldn’t have bought it there because I knew it would be a hassle just had no clue it would be THIS bad. My pops got a can there before I did and they didn’t send his forms off for close to 6 weeks. He sort of got in NFA mode and stopped thinking about it and realized that his card had never been charged and called to check. Then, 8 months later he’s back in there on their pistol range after being told his stamp wasn’t there only to have someone else “find it”. Fortunately his timing was good and the approval was only a couple weeks old so they hadn’t been sitting on it too long. I don’t like harassing the NFA Branch info line but I also don’t trust this place to call me in any timely fashion. At 6 months now...at 8 months I’ll probably check on the status of it
It was rejected due to not having fingerprints sent in. But the examiner I spoke to had someone else find them and confirmed they had the prints. Then whoever he had talked to dropped the ball and I never got approved. He was very helpful though and did say I don't have to send prints again. And he will make sure I don't have to go through the wait again. I am just waiting on the refund because I used the rest of my "fun" money to buy some ammo. Then I can resubmit.