Quote Originally Posted by UWone77 View Post
Unfortunately, I've seen as with previous panics, more complaints of crappy assemblies shipped out the door. Not surprised, demand continues to outstrip supply, so I'm guessing a lot of QA/QC is being thrown out the door.
I was telling someone the other day that was complaining about parts not being in stock. He said 'what is it some kind of steel shortage?' I said, 'No. It's a shortage of people that know how to work steel, equipment to do it on, and hours in the day. It's like saying there isn't enough Picasso's around so there must be a shortage of paint'

Some of the stuff people are able to do with metal is amazing. It's a huge skill set. Messing something up by .005 inches in some cases means the part fits or it doesn't.

I've heard others complain about QC issues lately. That said I don't know that it's as big of an issue in the higher end/nicer brands though. I think those are looking at it from a different perspective beyond the current run.