Its funny how the firearm community can't get along with each other. While Jerry Tsai obviously wrote something which the vast majority of "us" (meaning this board and most AR15 owners) don't agree with, it doesn't change that the larger population of firearm owners probably agrees with him.

Take the NRA for instance, do they represent the majority of AR15 owners? I would say no, they lend themselves towards the much more popular hunter and similar firearm owners. Does that make the NRA a "bad" or useless organization? Some people will say yes, and have pulled their membership because of the NRA views. I'll dissent, and say that without the NRA we most likely would have lost our 2nd Amendment rights a long time ago.

I feel it is very easy to jump on the internet with pitchfork in hand, and foam at the mouth while screaming for blood and for Jerry Tsai to be burned at the stake of his ISP or printing press. In doing so, I think we overlook the 99.99% of what the magazine does, as well as the interest and support this new magazine gains in new firearm owners.

I have no doubt my wife and friends don't appreciate everything I do or say, thankfully they look at me as a larger picture than just some of my dumb comments. I'll look at Jerry Tsai in the same way at this point, a good guy who made a dumb comment.